Flip cocktail


2 oz 9north Especiado Rum
2 oz- Coconut Milk (canned, culinary type. Not the beverage)
2 oz- Heavy Cream
2 Tablespoons- Granulated Sugar
1 Whole Egg
Pinch of salt

Garnish- Grated spice of preference, Cardamom or Sichuan peppercorn complement well, cinnamon or nutmeg for traditional.

Add ingredients to a shaker and dry shake 5 times. Add ice and shake well. Strain into a coupe.


5 oz- 9north Especiado Rum
4 oz- Coconut Milk
4 oz- Heavy Cream
1/4 Cup- Granulated Sugar
1/2 Tsp- Salt
4 Each- Whole Eggs

Garnish- Grated spice of preference, Cardamom or Sichuan peppercorn complement well, cinnamon or nutmeg for traditional. Add all ingredients except for the rum into a blender and blend throughly. Add rum and pulse to mix.

Serve immediately or refrigerate overnight